Jesus Christ was put in the tomb dead in body. He was resurrected, visible in bodily form on the third day to those on earth who had yet to reconcile seeing his death. Those in the caverns of Hades who had been faithful to God upon their death waited in captivity for rescue, their bodies long decayed, their spirits entombed. Jesus came to them, leading the captives to their heavenly freedom based upon their undaunted faith in the Father as they consumed their final breaths. The old covenant allowed those faithful souls to wait until the appointed time of their release, the time when the Messiah would come for them. And while the earth’s inhabitants assumed He was dead and in the tomb, He arrived and delivered them to their heavenly home. Redeemed because of their faith in a faithful God. The others who died without belief in the Creator of the universe learned their fate was now sealed. Eternal damnation and punishment resulted from their sinful lives and pagan belief systems. Once the Christ entered the depths and released the faithful few, it was finished.
Physical life comes to an end. The spiritual life goes on in eternity. Without the “born again” experience provided by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the tomb of hell awaits. Why? Who truly knows the reason for the provision of Jesus as the sacrifice? His purity—the untainted God blood dripped across the corrupted blood of human hearts—the only way to wash away the impure sin-infected substance pouring through our veins. Blood. Holy Blood. The life is in the Blood. We are given the supernatural transfusion from a deadly blood which flows to a deadly end to the life-giving Blood of the sacrificial Lamb of God, Jesus Christ. No other provision could equal or compare or suffice in unequaled power to redeem the corruptible and change it to incorruptible. Only God’s Blood.
Many people live their lives in the tomb of decay. Their spirits are dead, their hopes rest in the unredeemed soul of mankind or some such other folly. None of us can save each other. Even if we give our lives for others, we are only extending their lives on earth, not their lives in eternity. And while a profoundly noble endeavor, we must realize it is temporary.
The tomb account along with the rest of the Old and New Testaments requires faith to embrace. It’s not a simple story. It’s a test of sorts. The book that’s survived the ages, the message unchanged, the hope offered by its pages—the words giving life to an ever perishing world of people—the entire experience of knowing the One who has created us . . . nothing small about any of it. It requires faith first and above all, for God Himself reveals in its pages, “Without faith, it is impossible to please God.” He tells us to look around at His creation, take a good look. Random? Not a chance. Incredible? Most certainly. Designed? Yes, with a loving hand and a singular but complex purpose.
If you are in the tomb of the life experience, remember this: Jesus gave His holy life for you. He took on your sins and He allowed them to kill Him. God raised Him to life to complete the rescue mission for the redemption of every soul who acknowledged this sacrifice and claimed Jesus for their own Deliverer by their repentance for sins and surrender of their lives back to God. That’s the requirement to step out of the tomb. Your choice, and no one else can make it for you. Young children and aged adults alike have come to the place where they must make this life-changing choice. Each one of us decides one way or the other. In the tomb or out of the tomb . . .
Father, only you know who will come and who will not. You weep for the lost, Jesus, those who disrespect your offering for the salvation of their lives. Holy Spirit, pursue them as the Father directs with the passion of heaven and rescue those who reside in the tomb of death and destruction. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.
*Please remember to pray for Kristy Dykes.*