Those of you who “know” me are aware of my two self-published novels. The first one Hope Of Glory was begun in 1993, finished in 2002, published in 2005. My second novel The Famous One was begun late in 2004, finished in 2005, and published in 2008.
My third novel Sweet Release was started in 2005 and finished in 2005. My fourth novel Wounds . . . and Healings was started in 2005 and finished in 2005. My fifth novel Destination was written in 2006. My sixth novel The Fixer was begun in 2006 and finished in 2007. And the seventh novel Breath of Life was written in 2006. I have started the eighth novel, but it is progressing more slowly than I thought it would which is okay at this point.
Recently an individual who shall remain nameless picked up Hope Of Glory after setting it aside some time ago. This person had read somewhere around 200 pages of the 744 page monster when he put it away for a considerable period of time. When he elected to start over with the book, he reread those pages and finished the book. He called to tell me that upon picking up the novel again and reading it through, he experienced a long desired healing. Called it a miracle. Said there was significant weeping involved, but he continued through to the end of the story and, although he didn’t explain the type or circumstances of the healing, let me know without a doubt, he was “healed”.
I’ve been getting some wonderfully positive feedback from those who’ve read The Famous One. And, if you have a copy of the novel and are not feeling positive about it, I’m sorry. Believe it or not, some readers have been truly moved by the story.
All in good time . . . the Lord ministers to and through us if we are willing to receive and pour forth from His supply and bounty. He gives us all we need to do what He assigns to us. If we can control our selfish desires and curb our lusts for fame and fortune, He will accomplish great things in us and through us because of who He is. And although our definitions of “great” and “successful” often clash with His, if we can sustain a willing heart to adhere to His desires for us, we will experience a profound sensation of value to His kingdom.
“He has made all things beautiful in His time . . .” Ecclesiastes 3:11
Living in what we consider “real time” it becomes so difficult to understand the significance of time beyond us. The “I want it now” culture has always existed. It isn’t new to this generation or even to this society. We can’t help ourselves with our greed or yearnings unless we want to make an effort to sacrifice the constant demands of the flesh, spiritually crucifying them. Rising above our wants restricts our self-centered ways and steers us away from conforming to the empty philosophies of a world that is self-serving and as a result self-destructing.
It kind of amazes me when we forget that our successes are a result of the benevolence of a loving God with a purpose so much more divine than we have in mind, so much farther reaching than we can imagine, and so much more worthwhile and multi-dimensional than we can figure it to be. And that the first priority of those successes is spiritual.
Writers, serving the Lord is your highest order and your greatest honor. When the priorities become confused and you find yourself serving man—hence serving yourself—ultimately your writing will be wasted. Christians know that only those things done in obedience to God remain untarnished and eternal. The rest of our “stuff” is so much chaff, burned in a wasted bonfire at the Judgment Seat of Christ. What if that “stuff” outweighs our collection of the “Done in Obedience” stack? The shame of it will be unbearable.
The “glory” of the arts is not in the objects themselves but in the direction taken by the heart immersed in obedience to the God who gives the inspiration for creation. We simply cannot create without Him.
The time to write is when He gives you the story. The time to continue through the hard places is when you determine to follow Him through the deep waters. The time to complete what He has given you to do is when you hear His instruction urging you forward. The time to stop is when He tells you to stop and not before. Listen carefully. Write on. Timing is everything.
Father, you are the Master. We are your servants and yet you call us friends, joint heirs with Jesus. Help us to be willing to serve, loving, and obedient. We’re desperate for you, and we need you to push us, prod us, nudge us, and never give up on us. We know we can count on you. If only you can count on us . . . I continue to ask: please, help me to be the one you want me to be. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.
*Please remember to pray for Kristy Dykes.*