The Church is that building, small or large, in need of paint or opulent, formal architecture with stained glass windows and spires or the country feel of white painted siding with some similar outbuildings that look like the old school portables.
“the church” is people, small or large, in need of financial assistance, wealthy, or at any level in between, rigid in ritual or free in the Spirit. Members of the church acknowledge Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, know the meaning and power of the Blood of Christ, being born again, and walking their talk.
Most people have had an experience with the church. It might be a distant picture via television, newspapers, schools, even books or magazines. Somehow most people have heard of Christianity. Some base all their knowledge on their experiences with people who supposedly represent Christian faith to them: the church.
Sadly, those experiences can be unpleasant, misinterpreted, and even demonstrate behaviors the opposite of who Jesus Christ truly is. Yet it comes under the guise of Christianity and pock marks the church with its ugly scars.
Inside The Church all kinds of hurt can take place as self-righteous people gather to display their belief systems and pontificate on their versions of religion. The Church can also house those who seek to follow Christ: the real church—those who care about others, seek to serve all kinds of people, and want to grow in their faith and knowledge of God in all His glory.
The church needs an overhaul. Don’t we? Not like a makeover. More like a retrofit. Somehow people in prestigious places decided that culture should mark the progress of The Church. That catering to “seekers” should limit the incorporation of biblical terms such as born again or references to The Blood. Instead of emphasizing truth while incorporating culture, some have decided it’s more beneficial to emphasize culture while limiting truth.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He doesn’t change. We do. And we do so either forwardly or backwardly. Once we know Him, moving forward can be difficult, even tedious, but it’s always rewarded. Sometimes we’re too focused on the material aspects of rewards instead of on the spiritual aspects which will truly benefit us. We live in this corrupted flesh fighting against our nature on a daily basis. It’s depleting if we don’t refresh ourselves in the Spirit. The Church is supposed to provide a location for the church to drink from the wells of God. The soul can quickly become that dry and thirsty land.
I’m saddened by recent experiences in The Church with the church. I’m passionate for God and all His desires for His church, but we fall so short of His expectations . . .
God in heaven, hear my heart cry. I love you, Lord. Help me to find your heart. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.