Formulaic fiction is exactly what it claims to be. It follows a specific formula. That formula is expected and appreciated by its fans and complained about by its detractors. Some fans can be unaware of exactly why they enjoy it—that being it’s fairly easy to figure out without too much speculation, and they know what to expect from the story such as it wraps up tidily at the end while providing predictable moments of conflict and tension along the way. Generally speaking, there’s very little surprise involved.
If a reader picks up a novel to be entertained, formulaic fiction is geared to meeting that demand. The formula speaks to the style of novel, not necessarily to the voice. However, when there’s a specific pattern in storytelling, things like word count play a major role, and language tends to be fairly lean and less “literary” than those novels which go off the beaten path.
Nothing wrong with formulaic fiction if it’s what you choose to read.
I’ve learned in the past year that formulaic fiction is not my favorite. Too much of it feels like cheap burgers ingested for days at a time due to budget constraints. I know that sounds insulting, but after reading so much of it, I’m tired of the easily figured out plots with predictable characters in situations which seem formed by brainstorming sessions asking “What if . . .?”
So, yes or no as to formulaic fiction?
Father, let us write for you. Direct our words, lead us in your ways. Always. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.