Absent With Leave or Absent WithOut Leave? You might’ve noticed I haven’t reviewed many novels lately. You know how many of them are in my TBR pile taunting me to just “pick one of us up”? Of course you don’t, so I’m going to count them and tell you . . . Twelve. And more to add.
There were difficulties in shipping books for the January CFBA tour so I didn’t receive the two I ordered, and I chose not to order any for February. For March I have one scheduled, choosing not to give in to my notion to test a few that didn’t really grab me from the blurbs. So the question is why? I’ve cut back on my reading in an effort to get back to my novels. To either edit some I haven’t read in probably over a year, some closer to three years. And to continue on the two I’ve started. One of those is just past 60K words at present.
I’ve given myself leave from hiding from my work via reading. And since the majority of what I read in 2010 CBA fiction left me in a place of discontent, it would be wise for me to follow the instruction the Lord gave me a long time ago. One I had imprinted on my business cards. It reads as follows and holds special meaning for me since the process of that first novel survived because of it: “If you pick up the pen, I’ll give you the words.” I’ve graduated from the pen to the keyboard, but the truth of that instruction prevails.
I’ve been AWOL from serious pursuit of my two WIPs and editing my other five. Without direct motivation for me the desire wanes. I pitched my seventh novel to two editors at last year’s conference and both rejected it, one citing the fear it might be too edgy for them. I just went through it again and am satisfied with the results, edgy or not. I lean towards not. Redemption trumps edgy for me.
So. I started work on my fifth novel edits but decided instead to attempt getting back to novel number eight. I like it. If you’re so inclined by the Lord, I could use your prayers.
There will be novel reviews in the future. Probably sooner than later.
Father, thank you. What else can I say? You’re all I’m livin’ for. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.