We all possess them, don’t we? Only some of them we admit to owning. And most of us come just short of being categorized as quirky. I think.
Let’s see what terms can be used synonymously with quirk:
Eccentricity, peculiarity, idiosyncrasy, trademark [as in behavior]
Our quirks live with us, and we’re often shocked when someone identifies them with a laugh or refers to them as odd. We retaliate with “Hey, what’s up with that? What about when you . . .”
Aah, the calamity of being found out.
So. In honor of quirks here are a few of mine:
My favorite place to read is in the front yard in the sunshine. However, I don’t live in a tropical climate so that pleasure is limited to the summertime. Instead I prefer to read in the bedroom on our bed. Why? I’m not sure since I have the entire house at my disposal.
Coca Cola is my preferred morning beverage. Not coffee which I don’t like. Nor tea which I do like—well, some certain kinds, and only hot tea. Coke is it, baby. Regarding Coke, I have cases of it in the garage, but I usually go to a specific gas station to fill up my personal container because their Coke is the best around with the exception of Taco Time’s, but it’s more expensive there. Sometimes the gals at the gas station let me fill up for free (with Coke that is). I will not order Pepsi in any establishment if they don’t have Coke. No. Way.
I must wear cologne. Must. Never leave home without it. Which is silly when I’m usually home more than I’m out, but, hey, I want to smell good. And it ain’t the cheap stuff.
Some character in each of my novels sports one of my quirks or lifetime experiences.
Do not tell me “You have to . . .” because I will find a way that I do not have to . . .
How ‘bout you? You got any “quirks”? Or any you’re willing to expose?
Father, I know you are The Creator. Therefore in your vast creation, I suspect humor was implemented in various ways. You’d have to have a sense of humor watching your creation. Thank you for that. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.