My cyber-friend and fellow writer Tim George posted this on his site Saturday:
"As I watch the clueless leadership on the news tonight and once again read a note from our son in Afghanistan I can only shake my head in sadness. If you haven't, please consider visiting, read what our soldiers are saying, and leave a word of encouragement."
This may be one of the shortest posts I ever make here in my little piece of the blogosphere and for good reason. There isn’t much we gripe about in life that can’t be cured by a good dose of perspective. Writer’s complain about publishers and deadlines. Teachers complain about parents and students and a system that doesn’t always work. Citizens complain about the debt and Congressmen and taxes. And we all complain about how hot it is and how much better music was back in the day.
Yesterday I paused in the midst of a marathon writing session to complain to the wall about how bad I felt, how much my back hurt, and how that certain client was making unrealistic demands. Then I checked my email and there was a note from a son I haven’t heard from in weeks. He is serving his third tour in Afghanistan as a Forward Observer with Task Force Chosin in one of the hottest of hot zones and had taken the time to email me the following words (edited of course):
Sorry I have not communicated in so long now. Our phone tent has been out of order and I have just now gotten to where I can email and all. So, I’ve been off the map for some time now. I’m doing alright, although I am worn and tired. I have now worked for 137 consecutive days. I am tired, more tired than I ever remember getting on a deployment. The violence continues here at an amazing rate. Our enemy is growing desperate and continues to attack us on a daily basis, all day long. We hunt them in return, all day long. Every day is ground hog day around here at this point. We wake up every day, the sun comes up and we fight all day until the sun goes down.
Nothing good has ever come of war, and nothing good ever will. However, it is an unfortunate necessity in this world of ours. Mankind is in a sad state of affairs I fear, and I can only hope to raise my children right and to point them in a direction that gets them to somewhere positive in life. I do not want my children to be Soldiers. I do not want them to see what I have seen, nor bear the burden of things that no one else can understand unless they’ve been there.
As messed up as America is right now, it is still the greatest nation on the face of this planet. Gotta love it. Love you guys and see you soon.
Still fighting to put your troubles in perspective? Glad I could help you fix that.
Father, please help these men in every possible way as they do what they've been asked and called to do. Relieve them, renew them, refresh them, and revive them. You're the only one who can. Please protect them and be close to their hearts, Lord Jesus. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.