Some people are masters of artfully presenting their wares—or maybe I should say few people have mastered the mess of self-promotion. I know I haven’t.
I can easily discuss my novels. No problem. I love to talk about Joey Parr from The Famous One or Michael Jamison and Shaylen Price from the upcoming Breath of Life. And any of the other multitude of characters from the seven finished novels or the three in process. That’s just plain fun.
But advertising them? How? What do you like to see to promote a new novel? What piques your interest? What do you think should be done to get you to read a new novel? What do you hate? What bothers you?
Any of you game enough to answer these questions? I’d love to hear what you have to say. And thank you for whatever you have to offer.
Father, I need help here. Always. You know that. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.