Yes. And no. Of course as Christians we accept that God’s timing is perfect. It’s just as humans we seem to be in constant conflict with His appropriated and specific “time for everything” (Ecclesiastes 3:1).
Let’s talk about book releases. One of the better novels of 2011 published by Bethany House and released in July gave us a story which took place in a very concentrated timeframe just before Christmas. Christmastime in Houston, Texas, might not resemble Christmastime in, let’s say, northern Idaho, but it’s still very much Christmas. Now I know the scheduling for book releases is something publishers and their marketing teams decide, but I can’t help but wonder why this novel couldn’t have waited a couple of months or so to accommodate the season. Story-wise, it really didn’t matter when J. Mark Bertrand’s Pattern of Wounds was released because there were plenty of readers just like me who were waiting for this book. It’s good enough not to have had to worry about impeccable timing for its release, but just the same it seems like a little bit closer to Christmas would’ve accentuated its timeliness. And planted it firmly in the minds of shoppers for the Christmas season. But you can’t argue with providing a great summer read either, so what do I know?
Which brings me to the timing for my upcoming novel Breath of Life. The story begins at the end of summer and moves through the holiday season into the New Year. The protagonist is a financial services consultant in a private firm. I wrote this novel in 2007 when the stock market wasn’t quaking like a 9.8 on the Richter Scale.
The plot doesn’t really center on the protagonist’s job, but it is a factor. I had five novels waiting in stasis when the opportunity to self-publish one more became available. You can bet I prayed about which one to do, and this is the one chosen.
Timing. Perseverance. Patience. Tenacity. All familiar words to a writer.
And . . . blessing follows obedience. Blessing doesn’t always come in expected ways but it arrives from the Lord’s generous hand . . . on time.
Father, I can’t trust myself, but I can trust you. Help me to keep my focus on you and what you desire for me to do. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.