Computers serve a marvelous function, but for non-geeks, for people who will never be tech-savvy, for those who can do just enough to get by on one . . . they can be the pits, the headaches, the blood-pressure raising impetus for family distress. That's a ridiculous state to be in, but it's true.
I am standing, yes, standing (!) at my husband's laptop to post this. For whatever reason, and I do mean whatever, the wireless ability decided not to connect to the internet yesterday. I won't tell you how long I was on the telephone with someone who gave their all to try and work through every possibility to fix it last night. To. No. Avail.
Alright then. Nice post, huh?
Five days and counting until the new one is set up.
Father, help me keep perspective. This is nothing in the big scheme. Nothing. Dust, Chaff. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.