You know me. Passionate: right or wrong. All in or not at all.
I cry easily. At commercials. In movies. Over television scenes or episodes. Book incidents and endings. Memories. Instrumentals. Lyrics. Almost always anything concerning animals.
But I also cry hard when I fail the Lord - and that's not always definable to or for others. I just know. And when I fail those I love.
And I weep when people touch my heart.
Coming soon I will review Robert Liparulo's new novel The Thirteenth Tribe for the CFBA Tour. It's a wild and unusual ride as his stories always are. He recently stated the Lord was leading him in a little bit different direction. Faithful Liparulo readers will easily spot the "difference". More about that in the scheduled review.
With no inkling of the discovery in the Acknowledgements section at the end of the novel, which I deem important and often telling, after reading a few paragraphs of names, I saw my own in the midst of others receiving thanks for "constant friendship and encouragement". Somehow that touched me so deeply, I sobbed. Cried out loud.
I've been a fan of Robert's writing since Comes A Horseman. His voice is his own. His pacing is unequaled, his imagination fantastical, and his research impeccable. He's generous with his time and friendship like few bestselling authors are. I'm honored to call him a friend. And for him to acknowledge our friendship like he did, well, it speaks volumes about his character. Pun and cliché intended.
Thank you, Robert. You made me cry. Again. In a good way.
Father, you know Bob's heart and soul. You called him to write, and you designed him to ride the waves of his imagination which you stretch and bend into fantastic tales. I pray your continued protection and anointing upon his life, his family, his inspiration, and his actions that reflect you. For every blessing he provides for others, I pray you would return blessing to him tenfold. Reward his generous heart and soul. May he continue to hear your voice and use your insights. Encourage him as only you can do, Holy Spirit. Thank you for bringing him into my life. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.