You recognize the symbol of course. Division. Symbolic, isn't it? One circle above a dividing line with another circle below it.
Christmas brought the dividing line. Jesus Christ was born according to years of prophecy established at Creation. He defined heaven, God's intention for His creation, how sin had severed relationship, and how Jesus had come to set men free from the chains and separation of sin.
He went beyond the Cross to send the Holy Spirit to lead His people into God's prescription for their lives, to aid them in seeking a closer relationship with Him, to renew their minds to right thinking, to unify the purpose of real life, to dispense of and help them utilize gifts and talents ordained by God. Nothing left to chance, to confusion, to ignorance. For the record and history of the human race, its divine purpose, and to caution them about the alternatives which lead to a destined death.
Whether or not the end of world has been predicted by man becomes irrelevant compared to God's mystical explanations of its damnation and destruction and of those who choose to serve Satan instead of Jesus Christ. There most certainly is an end to this corrupted world, but only God knows exactly when it is. In the meantime He built a self-sustaining planet that has survived nuclear bombs, pollution, and men's theories of its imminent death due to a variety of horrible man-instigated causes and crimes.
Is it any wonder that as we head to our inevitable conclusion that depravity is amplified?
"As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man." (Matthew 24:37-39 NIV)
Prayer and discipline have been removed from schools. Propaganda teaches that babies in the womb are mere masses of cells and valueless. History is being revised. Truth is absent from much of reality. Envy is a staple for those who want more than they've earned or been given. Mob mentality is being cultivated. And "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is scorned and mocked as "old-fashioned". A new "Love" is being defined by an apostate church which invites all people into "The Church" with no mention of sin or accountability or the use of the Bible as the only reference for a God-centered life. The Word is being rewritten with human philosophies just as Colossians 2:8 stipulated:
"See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ."
Merry Christmas is politically incorrect as atheists fight to demolish nativity scenes everywhere and demand that anything to do with God be removed from public vision.
This is why Jesus came to earth. Because sin was rampant and perversion prevailed. Just as it did in the days of Noah. Just as it does today. Still, Jesus came then and He comes now. Waiting for those who consider their lives. Are they full and meaningful? Are they purposeful? Can people evaluate themselves as contented and without errors? Does anything done give them pause to wonder about right and wrong actions? Is there an emptiness that just can't be filled?
The human condition can never be completely fulfilled here on earth, but neither can it be even partially fulfilled without Jesus Christ. He seals the deal for attaining completion. There's no other way. Does His personal residence make life easy all of a sudden? For some, it actually happens that way. Not that trouble and hardship won't eventually come again. This is earth after all. For others, things get immediately tougher - perhaps with families, with persecution. But what is gained by knowing Jesus puts to rest all other gods, all other lifestyles. If you know Him, life changes. For the better. Always. Because He is the way, the truth, and the life. That makes all the difference.
The sorrow felt at the great division among people today rises all the way to heaven. The great divide was never God's idea, but rests upon the weakened shoulders of a man and woman who thought God's way could be bettered. It never can. And never will.
The "Peace on Earth" was the amendment between God and man. Restored from Eden to the present when a soul accepts the sacrifice of Jesus to once again find a loving Father waiting with open arms. That sacrifice took a sinless life with holy bloodshed and demands a sin-stained human race repent for the sins that plague them all. Paid in full. The resurrection guarantees an eternal future. The only cost is to recognize what's at stake. Heaven or hell. Life or death.
As Christmas comes, remember the God-man born as a babe, bringing life to all. If they want it . . .
Father, you send the Spirit to relentlessly call upon the lost with the Truth of Jesus. May all who hear His words of love come to you. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.