You're pregnant. You don't want to have a child. You say "it's" just cells, not yet a human. So you can justify killing "it". Then you're not really pregnant because just a bunch of inhuman cells doesn't mean you're pregnant with a child which would require an abortion to rid yourself of the child. But "it's" not a child. Therefore, you aren't pregnant. Therefore, you don't need an abortion. Think it through.
You're an adult. You just charged more purchases than you will be able to pay for in years to come. You can't afford all those items, many of them ridiculous and unnecessary. So you go to the bank and explain you need to borrow more money because you can't afford to pay your bills - or even the interest on those bills. The bank looks at your purchases and declares they can't loan you more money because there's no way they can be paid back and your collateral can't cover the amount. You demand a loan, telling the banker that you have relatives and friends who should give you money to help pay for them. The banker asks why they should have to pay for what you bought. You tell the banker they have more money than you. The banker explains that you would have more money if you hadn't bought all that unnecessary stuff. You reply, "But I wanted it!" The banker replies, "Then find a way to pay for it yourself. No one else should have to pay for your frivolous spending. And we certainly aren't going to loan you any more money for such reckless habitual spending."
Father, may eyes be opened to see and ears be opened to hear. We're desperate for you. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.