Yesterday I spoke of tears, the emotion behind them. People have mixed feelings about "being emotional", some viewing it as a curse, others celebrating the depths of it. Most fall somewhere in between.
I've read novels from methodical writers, and I usually find them technically precise but emotionally unsatsifying. If I wanted examples of technically accurate writing, I'd choose to read manuals or pamphlets.
I want to elicit emotion, but I can understand if emotion gets in the way of story. If it travels hand in hand with story and is written to dramatically and creatively convey the depth of emotion, chances are it will be a favorite.
When I'm at my best, emotion of every kind fills the pages of my stories. Hopefully not to overwhelm but to saturate the page with the human condition in all of its vulnerability, foolishness, passion, and need. Those emotions are what move me to write.
What moves you to write? What moves you to react to a story?
Father, I thank you for emotion and passion. I know they come from you in all forms. There is beauty in their depths. Thank you for the beauty - everything good comes from you. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.