Are authors just a bunch of mutual admiration clique-ish people? And is that all wrong?
Anyone who's hung out with publishing industry people (authors, agents, editors, publicists, marketers, publishers, etc.) knows there are cliques. Let's face it: groupings create cliques. Whether it is at school, at work, at play, or on the web, we all gravitate to people who are like-minded or who challenge us or who make us laugh or . . . We tend to form groups where we either fit in or employ similar interests. We're either leading or following, contributing or taking it all in, in the center of activity or on the peripheral edge.
As a writer, I want to promote the authors who I think have done something special. I give honorable mention here in reviews to those authors who've given a good effort but either aren't in my normal genre selection or haven't quite exceeded expectations (good or bad). Recently, I've decided to reduce my reading, attempting to be more selective in order to avoid disappointment and, honestly, wasting my time. And, although reviews have much subjective material in them, reviews also reflect the type of writing skills, styles, or voices of the authors. There's a distinction which can be made between not preferring the genre to what constitutes less than impressive writing skills.
There's no accounting for particular tastes, but gushing over mediocre novels perhaps is the one thing in publishing cliques which doesn't work for me and makes me wonder if authors praising authors is a good thing. Of course many authors are avid readers and are entitled to their opinions of other authors' works, but if they're going to gush, they better give good reasons for doing so. Good reviews must sound authentic.
I want to support authors. I want good reasons to do this. I don't admire all authors, other than to give them props and credit for jumping through the various hoops to get their work between covers. They deserve appreciation and respect for that.
Do you belong to the "Author Mutual Admiration Society"?
Father, please help me to be the best I can be in all areas of my life. First and foremost: to hear and obey your voice, Holy Spirit. If I can do that, I will be better at everything I do. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.