This is one of the latest legal projects of the ACLJ. "Defending" the Cross:
"An atheist group has filed a lawsuit to have the Ground Zero Cross removed from the 9/11 museum in New York. Their claim? The existence of the Cross has brought on headaches, indigestion, even mental pain. These claims are ridiculous. So is the lawsuit.
The cross was found in the rubble of the World Trade Center and still stands as a symbol of hope today. The ACLJ is defending the Cross and our religious liberty in court and we need you to join us. Add your name to our amicus brief today."
Oh, that pesky Cross. It stands for death, punishment, cruelty, and sin. It recalls the ugly betrayal of Jesus by Judas. It reminds people that upon one cross, a man named Jesus was executed illegally with not one proven charge against him. Another man named Pilate "washed his hands" of the whole spectacle, making the way for the hedonist mob to kill an innocent man. Little did they realize they were murdering the Son of God who was hanging on that cross to save them from their sins. He would give up his Spirit to death and the resurrection from his Father would follow. With that resurrection came the promise for all who asked forgiveness for their sins to spend eternity with the triune God.
The symbol of sin, death, and resurrection of God's only Son Jesus Christ is anathema to followers of the enemy of our souls. The Cross represents victory over sin and death. What grinds on unbelievers is that ugly little word "sin". Who wants to admit to sin? Who wants to acknowledge that sin can be defined and people can be rendered guilty, and the penalty is death. Ah, but if you're willing to admit to right and wrong, if you're willing to recognize you've committed sins, if you're willing to "man-up" as they say and confess those sins to the God of the universe, He desires to forgive you! Why? Because He offered up His Son to pay the horrific penalty for your sins, and He wants you to spend forever in that perfect place with Him.
Hard to believe? Yes. Easy to do? No. It takes a complete humbling to admit to our state of being. We are sinners. That's not easy to disbelieve except for some who, through no true logic, have decided that human beings are the ultimate source of a wellspring of good. Nothing could be further from the Truth.
It takes faith to believe in God. He entwines a fraction of it within our DNA at creation. With His help we can amplify that faith to believe in what His word tells us from cover to cover. He had a plan when His creation failed the one safeguard He'd given them. A plan of redemption which would require the highest cost to Him.
Also within that DNA mixture is the freedom to choose Him or yourself for redemption. One leads to heaven. The other to hell. Not His hope that some of His creation would join the devil and his minions. But for some, relinquishing their hold on independence and their tendency to favor wrong over right is far more important now than to consider potential eternity having made that choice against God later.
I realized I could not find any kind of lasting contentment amidst the worldly encounters, conditions, and trials. I needed to be saved from myself. And so do you.
Why is the Cross so offensive? Because it should have been us on it. Not the sinless God-man who paid our way to heaven to be with Him. That kind of guilt can't be erased by taking down a Cross.
Father, there are no words for the gratitude and relief from your provided redemption. Jesus, you are the Savior of the world, and we're desperate for you. Holy Spirit, you are so loving and amazing to reside within these transformed hearts. Thank you for speaking to mine. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.