I don't make resolutions, but I have hopes. Hope that I will grow closer to Jesus, be more obedient to God, and hear more clearly from the Holy Spirit.
Oftentimes, people select a word for the new year. I have to tell you the one that just came to mind and the one in which I will be incorporating into prayer. It is justice.
Not all evil will be vanquished on this earth until the Prince of Peace establishes His kingdom, and then just for a season. This earth will pass away, but the word of the Lord will never pass away. Prophecy will be fulfilled. The end will come. A lot will happen until then.
In the meantime may we see some justice in the land of the living. May we see some wickedness fail and fall. May we watch God's mighty right hand carry His message of Truth and trample over some evil.
That is my hope for 2014. Jesus will prevail.