Sports occupy a unique place in the hum of life experiences. It seems many people have a favorite ranging from professional football to synchronized swimming. No secret where my interest lies.
If you're a participant in a sport, chances are you want to excel. If you graduate to a professional level, you're all about being the best athlete you can possibly be.
For some, professional football in America conjures up images of $$ signs and PEDs (Performance Enhancing Drugs), concussions and brutality, and the politically correct notion that it must be regulated by more government interference and sanctions. Those individuals and groups who choose to view the sport in this manner fail to realize the heart of the game. Having said that, I do not deny there is greed, some occasional illegal drug use, and a few players and coaches who have no character or integrity.
But let me tell you why football is more than just a game. Families watch football together, celebrate their teams, select favorite players, and young athletes hopefully emulate those professionals who demonstrate good character. And those particular professionals give back to their fans, do charitable work, start youth foundations, bring joy to seriously afflicted children in hospitals, and set solid examples for future athletes.
I remember learning the basic game of football as a little girl when visiting my older brother's home. He had an electric football game with plays drawn for offense and defense on plastic sheets which laid over a backlit box. After playing the game with him, I understood why football was an interesting sport. I selected the then Baltimore Colts as "my" team because they galloped a beautiful horse around the field before the start of the game. After all, horses were the big loves of my life. After growing up and having my hometown acquire a professional football team, my allegiance immediately transferred to the Seattle Seahawks and hasn't changed.
The first quarterback of my team was a young left-handed Cal-Poly graduate by the name of Jim Zorn. The city embraced him, and he appeared frequently on local stations. Jim Zorn never failed to mention his faith in Jesus Christ. And God used the young QB's testimony to help me see exactly who I needed. The game of football and a Christian athlete unafraid and unashamed to share his faith led me to the Cross and insured my salvation.
My love for the game of football and my devotion to the Seattle Seahawks hasn't waned. My team is one victory away from the Super Bowl, and it's been an amazing season thus far. Several of the athletes on this Seahawks team follow Christ, and my hope is their examples will inspire others who are lost and in need of a Savior to search for Truth because of them.
The bottom line is God places His people in all kinds of places and uses them to tell others of His love for them. Football is as much a calling as a position in the church. Playing in the NFL can be a ministry. And that's why it's more than just a game . . .
God, thank you for those athletes who are devoted to you and want to share Jesus. Thank you for using an athlete to help me find you. Thank you for the talent and gifts given to athletes who know every good and perfect gift comes down from you. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.