Never watched a lot of cartoons, but this picture seemed appropriate given the title of the post.
There's a time for backing off whatever it is we're striving to attain, achieve, or acquire. Call it a re-evaluation period, a rest period, a change of pace period, or a regrouping period. Regardless of the motive for taking a break, sometimes it's a necessary diversion.
Writers tend to finish manuscripts and then leave them alone for a while before taking a fresh look at them. The intensity used to create a novel must relax and fade before re-examining the story to discover any shortcomings, outright errors, or small problems. It's easier to be objective, although never truly "easy", when returning to a story determined to spot those areas that require more work and fine-tuning. Backing off means a writer will be better equipped to assess his work when it's not front and center occupying every waking moment.
The pressures of living life often produce the attitude depicted in the above caricature. We push ourselves into places we don't always fit and demand a constant stream of results, some of which turn out to be unfavorable or complete failures. We react with an attitude that screams for everything, and sometimes everyone, to back off and leave us alone in our particular struggles or projects. However, oftentimes it's we who need to back off. Get away from whatever it is that's driving us into the ditch of anxiety overload.
Learning when to back off can be elusive in writing pursuits and in life experiences. Human beings, in spite of all their various levels of toughness, can be fragile, breakable, and corruptible. We bend to our desires without specific and meaningful direction. And sometimes even with specific direction, we falter and lose faith in our purpose and create a new one to alleviate the stress, only to find it increases.
If you think it's time to back off or to give that instruction to another person, chances are you're right.
If you're a Christian, the Lord is your source for answers and conduct. He will lead if you will follow. His solution might not be easy, but it will be the best. He'll prove true. If backing off is necessary, let the Lord show you how to do it.
Father, thank you for all the times you've shown me what to do. Forgive me for all the times I've ignored your design and direction. You're the One I need to follow. Help me to do just that. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.