Writing is fun. Except when it's not of course.
What's definitely not so fun is the process of getting published. Of getting rejections. Of writing query letters and synopses. Of creating blurbs. Of soliciting your work.
Which is why e-publishing has its selling points for serious writers. Yes, it can be an opportunity for the wannabe authors who don't know the difference between a noun and pronoun, the appropriate place for commas, or the right verb tense, to display their lack of craft. However, experienced and best-selling authors are realizing they can do for themselves what their former publishers no longer will and are packing their audiences with them on the journey.
Indie presses have created new and expanding possibilities for writers who haven't been able to crack the traditional publishing ranks, and their momentum is increasingly valuable to authors in waiting and for those who've grown weary of their publishers not needing them anymore.
It's no secret there are definitely areas of the writing game which are not so much fun. But writers keep writing. And waiting. And producing. And hoping. It's what we do.
Father, you're faithful. That's all that matters. Thank you for leading me where I must go. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.