Special Agent Kensi Blye from NCISLA is all female. Having said that, she also has mad sniper skills, wields her deceased father's brutally sharp knife with authority, and handles a pistol with a sniper's aim. When she goes undercover, she can do dumb, ditzy, tough, angry, and sophisticated. Her team members consider her an equal in all situations. Especially her partner.
And this is where her female side emerges. She and her partner never intended to become anything more than the team members/partners they are, lives on the line and in each other's hands every time there is a case to investigate and solve. But over time, the closeness of partners whittles away reservation, and caution begins to erode in favor of intimacy while enduring the multiple faces of death and its threats.
Kensi Blye is a consummate professional who keeps a tight rein on emotions until those things that make her a woman explode into her reality after the dam breaks on her control creating a flood of unmanageable feelings. Complex and never quite letting go of her status as an agent, the evidence of underlying pain and the fear of holding onto a hope never to be realized bring an awkwardness at times and a pseudo-withdrawal from the strings of caring too much.
One of my favorite nuances of her character is her rare unguarded laugh which resounds like a cackle or a snort. It's one of the things that make her uniquely her.
Daniela Ruah puts her heart and soul into Kensi Blye, and the results have deepened her character, created a believable and empathetic woman who is as vulnerable as she is strong and potentially deadly. Professional but all female, this role was made for her.
In series television the creation and evolving character has been given time to develop, modify, and mature. Writers attempt this in creating their stories. Few authors achieve the deepened sense of attachment, admiration, and empathy for a character in the pages of a book, but when they do, readers remember those "people" for a long time. In a good television series viewers experience living images of all kinds of people who gradually change - or don't - but definitely give fans pictures of people they either love or hate and present enough satisfaction to cause them to sit and watch and tune in for the next episode.
Father, thank you for Daniela Ruah, a beautiful woman with abundant talent. Please continue to bless her life, but most of all, Lord, lead her to a knowledge of you and your saving grace. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.