I always appreciate the depth of knowledge added to a story when the author has true experience in their subject matter. Carrie Stuart Parks, internationally known forensic artist and teacher, gives her character Gwen Marcey more than one of her lifetime experiences in A Cry from the Dust.
A Cry from the Dust gives readers an intimate look at some facets of the Mormon church while weaving a creative narrative which qualifies as a thriller more than most do these days. Labeled a suspense, the story amps up after the bizarre death of a young woman who, observing forensic artist Gwen Marcey's death masks at an exhibit of The Mountain Meadows Massacre, faints. Later her carved body is discovered at the hotel by Gwen, and all the masks Gwen constructed are destroyed at the exhibit along with the occurrence of another strange murder.
Gwen has survived breast cancer, her divorce, her ex-husband Robert's "fame" due to his degrading book about her, and now her life is in danger. She has a photographic memory and can sketch faces after minimal contact and can read body language with the best of them. FBI Special Agent Mike Brown is assigned to her and shares the information they have on some of the sects of the Mormon Church while eager to supply her with what she needs to lay a trap for whoever destroyed the exhibit and threatens her life. Agent Brown makes her feel somewhat good about herself again until her ex-husband unexpectedly appears on the scene to collect some things from the house and dashes those feelings. Gwen's 16 year old daughter Aynslee is caught in that in-between place of divorced parents and sides with her inattentive narcissistic dad because of her mother's decision for her temporary schooling while she had to work.
The complex plot spins a convoluted plan to capture the architect of the murders by using Gwen's skills to reconstruct a Joseph Smith death mask. Gwen's best friend Beth, Aynslee, and her dad must take the finished mask with a tracking device planted in it, per Agent's Brown instruction, to a big conference on the west side of Washington state with Gwen meeting them later, allowing the perpetrators to think Gwen's alone.
What happens after they depart sends Gwen into a frightful situation where she is challenged beyond what she thinks she can endure - and - almost can't.
Carrie Stuart Parks has written a fascinating, intense story using a middle-aged protagonist with issues and mad skills as a forensic artist. She's courageous in so many ways, intelligent, sensitive, and refuses to give up without a fight. Gwen's voice entices us to root for her even when she reacts silently with bitterness and a hint of vengeance. She's authentic, she struggles, she cries, she pushes herself just to survive - a worthy character. Well-written with good research, this is a fascinating first novel adventure. The Bones Will Speak, Carrie's second novel, is available now.
Father, you've been with Carrie through all her trials. You've given her tremendous skills and a determined spirit. Please continue to bless her life and use her to tell the stories you have just for her to tell. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.