There are reasons for everything under heaven and in the universe. Terrible things happen and exquisite things happen. Sin is at the root of evil and God is the origin of all good.
Each of us must take inventory of ourselves now and then to establish who we are. Are we people of faith because if we are, we need to be doing our best to stay close to Jesus and allow the Holy Spirit to improve us at every level. We are often bombarded with illicit temptations which will inevitably cause bad conduct if we fail to resist them. We all seem to have our specific areas of weakness, and the enemy of our souls has gathered enough information on us to hit us with his best shots. Since he is supernatural in his evil, outside of the Lord's power we're dust to him and easily overpowered, steeping us in guilt and much deserved shame.
Like the man Adam who, paired with Eve, succumbed to the temptations offered by the evil one and started the decline of the human race, the devil's classic sin of pride - wanting to be like God - threw the heavens into a melee of disposing of the evil ones and tossing the two humans out of the formerly perfect Garden of Eden to preserve its integrity.
We see daily the effects of the sin on earth. Amplified in each generation, the world is hustling to its moral, physical, and spiritual conclusion. The remnant of God's faithful ones sustain it as they wait for God's next move. Many people wonder what's going to happen on planet earth, some arrogant enough to think they can control the results with their elitist plans to preserve the planet over the lives of its human residents they hold responsible for its "imminent" demise.
The real delay for earth's destruction is due to God's unlimited love for the vast people-types He's created. He's holding back His wrath to make a way for those lost souls who desperately need His Son Jesus Christ to save them from their nasty sins. To hear His call by the Holy Spirit reminding them that everyone of us is a sinner and must repent.
It's a foreign notion to many in the world. Some refuse to acknowledge sin at all. Others recognize it in others but not themselves. And still others just flat reject a single entrance to heaven through one Jesus Christ. That He gave His life to pay the price for their sins is of no consequence to them. Some insist it's all hooey and give far more value to climate change and green energy than to the real Savior of their souls. And their Creator loves them all, willing to wait until the last willing heart has turned from sin and had their "come to Jesus" moment. And then . . . His long held back wrath will be unleashed.
Some are wondering if there's any truth, any reality to all of it, but God has stated that men are without excuse because:
The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. (Romans 1:18-20 NIV)
If you're wondering about this one true God, check Him out. He won't flinch. People will disappoint you, betray you, hurt you, but God will not. Christians make mistakes, do foolish things, and suffer the consequences of poor decisions. They're human. They sin. True Christians repent and do their best to improve their actions, to serve the Lord, to share His Truth with others. They come in all sizes, colors, and from all countries and ethnicities. He welcomes all who turn their hearts to His Son - the price of admission to eternal life in the real heaven.
Thank you, Lord, for giving your all, for suffering on my behalf. No words for how grateful I am. And still I'm desperate for you. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.