Have you ever stopped to think about what it is you enjoy or like about a certain commercial? Or an ad in a magazine? Or a site or homepage?
The same specifics vary from one medium to another, but chances are they each have something in common that appeals to you.
So. Let's talk novels. Yes, we've exhausted the subject of marketing without coming to any conclusions, but if we examine what it is as readers that draws us to a particular novel, it might prove meaningful to those of us who want readers to notice and like our work.
Let's first eliminate those books from favorite authors because, let's face it, we could maybe not be all that impressed with a particular cover or even the blurb (i.e. back cover copy), but the author has hooked us in the past and we're going for whatever they deliver.
We've also established how important cover design is in drawing us into checking out a new book, although some readers claim cover is a lesser factor in their book selections. For me, covers are huge. The reality is if I don't know the author, that novel better have an intriguing cover.
The blurb or back cover copy better not tell me too much - although if I'm intrigued by the first couple of sentences, I'll just quit reading whatever comes next. For me, make it short and point to the story not any conclusions.
That certain "something" isn't all that definable at times. There's a radio commercial that I must have heard at least 30 times on the station I listen to. Every time I hear it, I laugh. Every. Time. No visuals and yet the voices project a mental image that gets a laugh even when I know it's coming. And I can actually remember the company that's advertising. This is what we want to do with our novels. Make an impression. Make it memorable.
Father, you're the only One that can make certain things happen. You are an amazing God and apart from you, we can do nothing. We rely on you and trust in you for the big and small things. Help us to trust you more. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.