This was my "escape" series. And now it's gone. Unlike so many TV series of today, it was clean, honest, fun, without neglecting serious plots. Great characters that expanded their depths and developed their backgrounds. Good, real action. I grew to love it. And I'm angry that it was canceled. No, it was not the original, and it never pretended to be. It took some of its shape and history from the wonderful original with Tom Selleck and John Hillerman and incorporated Magnum's history with "Rick" and "TC", but each character created a unique and meaningful role for themselves. It was well-written and gradually developed the chemistry and "UST" between Juliet Higgins and Thomas Magnum, concluding with a perfectly done admission of their real feelings for each other.
Ignore the "subtitled" words. Half of them are incorrect. This is pure romance done well.
Father, you give creativity in abundance. It's a blessing when it's used for your glory. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.