"Don't Make Waves" (Posted in 2013)
Sit quiet with your hands folded on your desk. Don't ask any questions. Just write your stories and praise your publisher, your editor, and your agent. Be a good little writer and wait until we don't want you anymore.
Hey, I'm sure it's not like that. That was just a snarky opener. Yes, there's a tiny truth in there, but probably not enough to matter.
Here's the main thing. If it's your nature to accept, to "sit quiet", then do it. I can say it used to be mine. A long time ago. Maybe it was growing up in the tumultuous 60s and 70s that brought the change. Maybe it was when authorities power-grabbed instead of being respectful of their positions. Maybe it was when I started to examine motives more closely and discerned the heart of man. I don't know. At some point, people had to earn my respect and demonstrate they deserved to be an authority. During some period of my life, what I had to do needed to make sense to me before it got done - other than basic speed limits or No Trespassing.
I don't want to generally "make waves" mostly because my wave making is off so far in some remote region of a deserted beach as to go unnoticed by anyone anywhere, but there's one area where I will not cease to stir the waters. It has proven to be damaging to a certain extent but beneficial in other ways. It's a risk worth taking. I love my country. God blessed me with being born in this country, one nation under God, and I intend to go down fighting for it if necessary. I will make waves, I will shout from the housetops, I will not be silent about the destruction being perpetrated on this country by a crooked and ruthless regime that believes in nothing this country was built on and fought for by brave men and women. It's being disgraced and dismantled by a group of people who don't value its sovereignty or its heritage or the law of this land: the Constitution of the United States of America.
Writers can choose their topics of discussion and conveniently stay out of the controversial "religion and politics". Secular humanists will continue to incorporate their worldviews in their work, and Christians can choose to do the same. Discussing their opinions on these electric topics in any public forum can elicit positive or negative attention and publicity. Again, it's a risk because those who resent the writer's opinions can decline to support them by not buying their work. Many have chosen to keep their literary publicity on placid lakes without making waves. Christians tend to clothe their choices in the "love" themes with refrains of not "judging" others. Secular writers have no such motivations, but, for some, if sales reflect unfavorably, there will be those who withdraw and slip into silence with the objective of selling their wares more effectively. (Hollywood filmmaking must have missed the memo because their liberal agendas in producing movies have failed miserably at the box office.)
The trashing of my country matters more to me than book sales or my "career". I will not sit down and shut up. I will not ignore the obvious and let it go. I will pray fervently and hope God will act soon, but if He allows our nation to perish because of the filthy vile sin going on before Him today, then I will know His return is imminent. Just as He told us.
So, if you wish to abandon this outspoken female who will not stop "sharing" those patriotic, factual posts on social media, it's your prerogative because I will definitely not stop making waves. Not until this ship is sunk.
Father, you designed me. Help me to the one you want me to be. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.