Here's the deal. I've read several novels in the last couple of months, but I haven't felt compelled to write reviews for them. What that means in my world is they were a disappointment. I just finished one with a favorite female heroine (general market) who I've enjoyed in the previous several stories. Now this gal is double-tough, kind of a no-mercy type. However, in this story she's like a psychopath. Now I understand her motivation for taking out the opposition when she figures out who and why, but this level of almost glee at putting them to brutal deaths just doesn't quite mesh with her overall character of past stories.
Like I said, she's basically a private assassin and her favorite skill-tool is her tomahawk, but the graphics used in this story with truly an attitude of real pleasure at the kills doesn't fit well with her past. She's not above providing brutal deaths to those who are wicked evil, but this time? No. She's too psychopathic in this one. And I'm choosing to let this one go.
Not all that interesting I know, but the novels that haven't been that good have been too frequent in recent times.
Father, help me to choose my reading material wisely and to be fair in my reviews. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.