When an author is not a household name, it's easy to feel anonymous. It's easy to question ability, choices, approach, the works.
When an author goes from first novel to the several that follow, each one unique in its own ways, the jubilation can be short-lived when it seems the responses are more private praises than publicly expressed appreciation.
Authors Anonymous - a group of serious writers who can't quit because they love what they do, and they know in their hearts that they've written some good books. They also might admit they haven't done enough to expose their work - especially if it's a genre that's flooded with other authors' books.
Welcome to Authors Anonymous. You're welcome to sign up in the comment section. No coffee or tea tonight. But lots of empathy offered for free.
Father, I'm whining. You've blessed me and protected me my entire life - even when I didn't know it. I can never thank you enough. But I'm truly grateful for it all. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.