A review has become a treasured commodity to most novelists. Amazon reviews tend to sell novels, providing they're good reviews. Most of you know how I feel about 1-star reviews: they tend to say more about the ones who write them than the book itself. They need to be aware that one person's "1-star" is another person's "5-star" - strange as it might seem.
I've received a 1-star review once. I checked out the reviewer. She liked short novels, and mine was not short. She didn't finish it. Yet she wrote a bad review. Entitled to her opinion.
If you've ever gone to my page on Amazon, you can see the few reviews. Many more readers have read my stories and told me how much they enjoyed them, but they never wrote reviews. For some, writing a review seems challenging, but it doesn't have to be. A few sentences to express your enjoyment might encourage others to take a chance on the book.
If you're a reader of novels and you find a story captivating or just plain entertaining, write a sentence or two for an Amazon review. The process is user-friendly, and it will mean a lot to the author.
We will thank you.
Father, I'm grateful for everyone who reads my novels, and I thank you for them. I thank you again and again for every inspiration, word, character, and story. Apart from you, I can do nothing. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.