Requiem is Book 3 in An American Ghost Thriller Series by J. B. Turner.
Nathan Stone takes a break in Miami and visits an old dive bar. After a beer or two, a pretty girl who bears an uncanny resemblance to his institutionalized sister walks in and sits a seat away from him at the bar. Always on his guard, he soon suspects the worst, chastising himself for taking time in the surveillance-filled city of Miami. He knows they now know where he is.
The woman has no idea what she's in for - she's just trying to do the job for which she was hired as a two-bit actress desperately trying to make some money. Stone knows they have no choice but to run, and the Everglades offer their best chance of surviving whichever operators have been selected and sent to kill him and now her since he thwarted the "honey-trap" plan.
Their struggle in the Keys and Everglades is real. She (Beatrice) is definitely not cut out for survivalist existence which she makes annoyingly clear ad infinitim. However, because Stone continually educates her as to the dangers of their being caught, she finally appears to become more compliant, but inevitably resorts to something stupid just when Stone thought he could trust she understood how deadly those pursuing them were.
Meanwhile, the heads of this cabal are fracturing but adamant about continuing this Commission and eliminating Stone.
As stated in my review of Reckoning, the portrayal of this cabal is not without merit. It's well done, well-written - even though in this story Beatrice was always tedious to read. I'd have knocked her out cold more than once, but she is just one more thing in Stone's life that reveals to him that he still can discern right from wrong, that perhaps his conscience - and his heart - are not seared beyond redemption. And now, since Rogue, and during Reckoning, we're rooting for him to annihilate these evil faux-patriots and finally be able to experience life without having to assume they're coming for him. Which is sadly still the case.
Highly Recommended.
(Lots of profanity.)
Father, please continue to bless and protect J. B. and his family and please provide those stories you have just for him to tell. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.