Do you have particular phrases you enjoy using? I do. One of my absolute favorites is this one because it "fits": "comfortable in my own skin". It took me a long time to get to this place of comfort, but I made it.
Another simple one: "the go-to person" signifying a problem solver, dependable, easy to count on for what is needed.
How about the descriptive "scatter-brain" or "running around like a chicken with its head cut off"? Incredibly descriptive of having too many things to do and no idea where to start or how to best do them.
How about the visual and tactile expression "smooth as silk"? So many applications for this versatile phrase.
This one was used by a friend. Not very complimentary, but I confess I laughed: "Dumber than a box of rocks" or how about "Dumber than dirt"?
It took me a while to warm up to this little two-word phrase, but I confess I really like it now because it makes me think of toughness in both men and women, a description they've earned because of what they can do in hard situations. I tend to think of those in the military when I hear it and everyone knows that whoever is labeled with these two words is not to be trifled with. So here it is: "Bad Ass". (It will offend those who for some reason have decided that "ass" is a cuss word when it's not. Yes, it can used in vulgar ways, but I still like this phrase when it's used in appreciation for tough individuals.)
Let me see your favorite phrases.
Father, you know my heart. Continue to help me be the one you designed me to be. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.