One of the first questions fiction authors often hear once a person learns that they're speaking with an author is: "What do you write?" An author will answer appropriately describing the genre or genres which explains their type of novels. If the conversation progresses, the person asking questions might inquire how the author chose that genre or genres.
I'm not sure I've ever been asked that specific question, but if I had been asked, I would have to say the genre chose me. Never once did I sit down to write that first book thinking I would write love stories - plural - or romance novels. Since I'm primarily a reader of thrillers, mystery, and suspense, it would seem more logical to me that I'd write in those genres. But, no. Romance is somehow in my blood, and if I do say so myself, I'm good at writing it.
My one mystery (Race) has a romantic thread, but it's not the focus. It was difficult to write because it was a gut-level effort to get the police procedural correct enough that if any LEOs happened to read it, they wouldn't throw the book against the wall because of its ridiculous assumptions. I tried to give high praise to the detective at the time who helped and encouraged me.
My heart is in the stories of love, the element of romance, the temptations, the flirtations, the chemistry, the hidden fears and dreads of falling in love.
Raw Romantic Redemptive Love stories with a passion.
Father, only you provide my inspiration, characters, stories. Apart from you, I can do nothing. Thank you is never enough. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.