A dear author friend and I discussed this recently . . .
Every novel, at some point, somewhere, some time in the story contains a mundane passage - such as particular information that must be provided but there are few ways, if any, to make it interesting. Perhaps a peripheral character's appearance, occupation, or even attitude is boring - which typifies that character - and yet because of something he says or does, he - or she - and that description turn out to be necessary to the story.
"Good" readers - and by that I mean "experienced", "well-read", and/or those readers who "choose to read for the love of story," for "entertainment," for the "immersion into a fresh novel" as opposed to those readers who seek out faults, who need their critical bullet points for those 1-star reviews they expel so freely, and who don't qualify as reading for the enjoyment and experience of the story - choose to embrace the overall story and ignore those parts that might not be as scintillating as others in the story.
By that entirely too long sentence in the previous paragraph, I don't mean that every story is enjoyable to every good or critical reader. We've all read our share of books we haven't liked for various reasons, some valid criticisms, others just different tastes in literature.
My point is this: there will be portions of any novel where it might drag a bit or seem "boring", but in a good story it's a small but necessary means to an end. Even some of the best thrillers must resort to giving that possibly mundane information and explanation whether or not it's as exciting as what came before it or follows after it.
Reading novels is a journey that can take you to the place you've never been, meet characters you want to know, experience excitement you won't ever face, and/or possibly cry tears of pain, joy, laughter for and with those within that story. Press on through the passages which seem less entertaining and enjoy the total journey in that novel.
Father, thank you for your authors, for your inspirations, for the words that lead us away to new experiences in stories. Apart from you, we can do nothing. Bless those who write to honor you. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.