Running on empty at the end of this week.
Monday Musings touched on the sloppy lack of editing/proofreading in a bestseller's novel.
Tuesday Tunes went way back to a big hit of a long time ago by Paul Anka.
Wednesday took a swipe at the lack of benevolent promotion by mid-list to A-list Christian authors of their lesser known colleagues.
Throwback Thursday reminded me of a special and unique group of friends that meant so much to me for a brief season of my life.
And now Friday is here, and all I've got left are the fumes from the fires I hoped to light during the week . . .
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend where you focus on that which is unseen.
Father, help us all to do the right things when you ask, to hear your voice better, and to always be thankful for your rescue of our sinful souls. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.