I know of authors who are rigid in their disciplines when writing. I know of authors who plot their stories before they write a word. Some use outlines. Some use photographs. Some use white boards with all kinds of methods to inspire them. Some keep a schedule and stick to it. Some claim to be "seat-of-the-pants" writers (which I am), but still manage to do some pre-work planning and/or plotting for their novel(s).
I'd be the proverbial "black sheep" of all of them if compared. I don't have a schedule. I don't plot my novels, but I do have a mental picture of the characters and a part of their situations before my story begins. I'm undisciplined and have no excuses for it.
The only thing I can say definitively about my writing is that it comes from my heart with a direction from the Lord. So why am I "lazy" and "undisciplined" about writing? Sometimes the words and ideas come in quick bursts and the pages follow. Other times, I'm far away from those words and can't make them perform.
I don't write just to be writing. That doesn't work for me. I don't write pages and pages and then keep writing more without going over them and rereading them, making corrections.
That's who I am as an author. Certainly not one to impress anyone or to suggest anyone follow my lead. Do it the way the Lord has it planned for you. That's the best any of us can do.
Father, you know exactly what I need and when I need it. Help me to "pick up the pen" and finish this one. Please. Apart from you, I can do nothing. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.