Destination is only available as an e-book. If I remember correctly, it was the fourth novel I published.
WARNING: This is a novel that presents Christianity. If somehow taking a look at the faith offends you, this book is probably not for you although you might find yourself in its pages.
People in this world have their “come to Jesus” moments in both subdued and spectacular ways. They meet Him through family, attending events, visiting churches, talking with friends, hiking in the forests, the testimonies of athletes, or on country roads alone in a car the way I did. There can be abundant tears, mounds of regret, simplistic acceptance, unemotional responses to facts, or any number of reactions to the prodding of the Holy Spirit producing what the world has mockingly dubbed a “leap of faith.”
In Destination both young and mature meet the Master. Their journeys are simple and complex, easy and hard, calming and perplexing, but always supernatural.
And some refuse to accept His gift . . .
Father, you save souls. It's your desire that all meet your Son and yield their lives to your Love. You make it clear that some will and others will not. Redemption is the ultimate gift you provide among the many. Forgiveness through Jesus is truly magnificent. Thank you is never enough. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.