"Gut it out." Have you heard that expression? How 'bout: "Dig in" or "Tough it out"? I'm not commenting on their origins but rather what they express or imply.
Determination when you feel anything but, perseverance when you want to give up, keep going when every part of you wants to pack it in. That's the gist of those meaningful phrases.
Most of us have access to those demands at least once in a while. For some, it's a daily requirement which can make getting out of bed in the morning a chore.
Bottom line: I would imagine that one or a couple things came to mind upon reading those expressions. That one thing you've been putting off because it's become huge in your mind - even if it's not. Those few things you just really don't want to do because they're difficult, boring, painful (physically, emotionally, or spiritually), or all of those combined.
The problem always lies in the assessment of their necessity to get done. Somehow they must get done.
That's an assessment only you can make.
My Monday Musings . . . for this Monday.
Father, you know everyone's areas of demand. You know everyone's capabilities. You know you will help those willing to do anything you ask of them and those who simply ask for your help. You are generous, benevolent, loving, kind, and helpful. You know my areas. Please help me to be obedient. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.