Have you ever felt isolated? Alone? Insignificant? Tiny as a nano-speck in the big picture?
Have you ever considered that these feelings can be both true and false?
Isolation can be a factor in our lives no matter how much people traffic there is. Isolation is a state of mind that makes us feel like no one "gets" us, or no one can seem to recognize how we feel, or that we can't understand why we seem to be singular in our approach to whatever it is that brings us to the conclusion that we're isolated.
Alone? It's not hard to imagine that sometimes we're going to feel alone. The difference between isolation and feeling alone is slim, but actually being alone means either we've chosen to be without people in our lives - whether temporarily or for a season - or there's a reason for being without others that we initiated - or they did.
Insignificant? It would be unusual if we never felt insignificant just because there are so many reasons in this world that can make us feel that way. The key phrase there is "in this world."
"A nano-speck in the big picture?" Imagining the heavens, the stars, planets, moons, etcetera, who are we? How can we possibly matter in this universe?
All of the above "feelings" are indicative of our humanity. The human condition. In and of ourselves, we can experience them all. The only true validation to who we are is from our Creator. He created us for a purpose. That "thing" that seems to matter to us more than others? We like it, we're good at it, or we become good at it, and we enjoy it in spite of sometimes thinking we're only so good at it. We are beings of flesh and blood with a unique spirit that must be redeemed. Apart from God, we can do nothing. He gives us life and for "X" amount of time, we can choose to live our lives with or without Him. However, since Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me," without Him, we shall remain all of those things listed above. The truth is in Jesus, we're never alone or isolated from Him. He gives us the Holy Spirit who dwells within us as believers. No longer isolated, alone, insignificant, and we do matter in the big picture because God's purpose for us is what makes our lives important. Is it fun and laughter from that point of acceptance onward? No, not always. Suffice it to say, now our actions have meaning both in this world and in the supernatural. But with the power of the Holy Spirit, we are equipped for the good and the great that God has planned for us.
No matter how much money, fame, comfort, family, friends, and good associates we acquire in this life of ours, without Jesus, we're hell-bound. And if that's the case, none of this life will matter. Eternity waits.
That's where I wandered this Wednesday.
Father, you rescued me from myself and this world. Thank you will never be enough, Lord. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.